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multivariate division algorithm

let f=x^3*y^3+2y^2, f1=2xy^2+3x+4y^2, f2=y^2-2y-2 in Q[x,y] using lex with x>y divide f by f1,f2 to obtain a reminder r. Repeat this exercise reversing the role of f1 and f2.

multivariate multivariable division algorithm

let f=x^3*y^3+2y^2, f1=2xy^2+3x+4y^2, f2=y^2-2y-2 in Q[x,y] using lex with x>y divide f by f1,f2 to obtain a reminder r. Repeat this exercise reversing the role of f1 and f2.

multivariable division algorithm

let f=x^3*y^3+2y^2, f1=2xy^2+3x+4y^2, f2=y^2-2y-2 in Q[x,y] using lex with x>y divide f by f1,f2 to obtain a reminder r. Repeat this exercise reversing the role of f1 and f2.