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Possible speed improvement for interactive complex plot

The following is a simple function which plots the real part of a complex polynomial f, the zeros of its derivative, and implicitly defined curves passing through these zeros. The whole function only depends on a parameter Z in the original polynomial f.

I would like to know if the speed of this can be dramatically improved (even at the expense of accuracy) so that I can make it interactive, so that I can vary the parameter Z. It seems to me that it should be possible to make this almost instantly responsive.

I = CDF.0                                      # Define i as complex double
Z = 1 + (-0.1)*I                               # Here is the complex number parameter 
f = lambda z: (z^3)/3 - Z*z                    # A complex polynomial           
P=complex_plot(lambda z: f(z).real(), (-5,5), (-5,5), plot_points=200)   # Plot the real part  
Roots=derivative(f(z),z).roots(ring=CDF)       # Find the roots of derivative(f)
R = [(Roots[i][0].real(),Roots[i][0].imag()) for i in range(len(Roots))]
F(x,y) = f(x+I*y)
COL=["black", "blue", "purple", "green", "orange"]
C=[implicit_plot((F-F(R[n][0],R[n][1])).imag(), (-5, 5), (-5, 5), color=COL[n]) for n in range(len(R))]
P+point(R,zorder=40) + point((Z.real(),Z.imag()),zorder=40)+ sum(C)  # Plot the real part of f, and the roots, and the parameter, and all the implicit curves given by imaginary(f) = imaginary(root)

Possible speed improvement for interactive complex plot

The following is a simple function which plots the real part of a complex polynomial f, the zeros of its derivative, and implicitly defined curves passing through these zeros. The whole function only depends on a parameter Z in the original polynomial f.

I would like to know if the speed of this can be dramatically improved (even at the expense of accuracy) so that I can make it interactive, so that I can vary the parameter Z. It seems to me that it should be possible to make this almost instantly responsive.

I = CDF.0                                      # Define i as complex double
Z = 1 + (-0.1)*I                               # Here is the complex number parameter 
f = lambda z: (z^3)/3 - Z*z                    # A complex polynomial           
P=complex_plot(lambda z: f(z).real(), (-5,5), (-5,5), plot_points=200)   # Plot the real part  
Roots=derivative(f(z),z).roots(ring=CDF)       # Find the roots of derivative(f)
R = [(Roots[i][0].real(),Roots[i][0].imag()) for i in range(len(Roots))]
F(x,y) = f(x+I*y)
COL=["black", "blue", "purple", "green", "orange"]
C=[implicit_plot((F-F(R[n][0],R[n][1])).imag(), (-5, 5), (-5, 5), color=COL[n]) for n in range(len(R))]
P+point(R,zorder=40) + point((Z.real(),Z.imag()),zorder=40)+ sum(C)  # Plot the real part of f, and the roots, and the parameter, and all the implicit curves given by imaginary(f) = imaginary(root)


Possible speed improvement for interactive complex plot

The following is a simple function which plots the real part of a complex polynomial f, the zeros of its derivative, and implicitly defined curves passing through these zeros. The whole function only depends on a parameter Z in the original polynomial f.

I would like to know if the speed of this can be dramatically improved (even at the expense of accuracy) so that I can make it interactive, so that I can vary the parameter Z. It seems to me that it should be possible to make this almost instantly responsive.

I = CDF.0                                      # Define i as complex double
Z = 1 + (-0.1)*I                               # Here is the complex number parameter 
f = lambda z: (z^3)/3 - Z*z                    # A complex polynomial           
P=complex_plot(lambda z: f(z).real(), (-5,5), (-5,5), plot_points=200)   # Plot the real part  
Roots=derivative(f(z),z).roots(ring=CDF)       # Find the roots of derivative(f)
R = [(Roots[i][0].real(),Roots[i][0].imag()) for i in range(len(Roots))]
F(x,y) = f(x+I*y)
COL=["black", "blue", "purple", "green", "orange"]
C=[implicit_plot((F-F(R[n][0],R[n][1])).imag(), (-5, 5), (-5, 5), color=COL[n]) for n in range(len(R))]
P+point(R,zorder=40) + point((Z.real(),Z.imag()),zorder=40)+ sum(C)  # Plot the real part of f, and the roots, and the parameter, and all the implicit curves given by imaginary(f) = imaginary(root)

This function ran in about 13 seconds on my (recent) imac and outputs image:example