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Finite Field Extension

F = GF(P) R.<x> = F[] K.<t> = GF(p^2, modulus = x^2 + 1) a = K.random_element() // say a = 364*t + 214

How can I read from sage the integer values (364, 214) , I need them for manipulation, I do not want the 't' there.

please urgent help!!! I am newby to SAGE

click to hide/show revision 2

Finite Field Extension

F = GF(P) R.<x> = F[] K.<t> = GF(p^2, modulus = x^2 + 1) a = K.random_element() // say a = 364*t + 214

How can I read from sage the integer values (364, 214) , I need them for manipulation, I do not want the 't' there.

please urgent help!!! I am newby to SAGE

Finite Field Extension

How can one recover the coefficients of the polynomial representation of a number field element when the number field is not prime?

In the following example,

F = GF(P)
R.<x> = F[]
K.<t>  = GF(p^2, modulus = x^2 modulus=x^2 + 1)
a = K.random_element() // K.random_element()

say a = the value of a obtained is 364*t + 214.

How can I read from sage Sage the integer values (364, 214) , 214), I need them for manipulation, I do not want the 't' t there.

please urgent help!!! I am newby to SAGE

Finite Field Extension

How can one recover the coefficients of the polynomial representation of a number field element when the number field is not prime?

In the following example,

F = GF(p)
R.<x> = F[]
K.<t>  = GF(p^2, modulus=x^2 + 1)
a = K.random_element()

say the value of a obtained is 364*t + 214.

How can I read from Sage the integer values (364, 214), I need them for manipulation, I do not want the t there.