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Rounding problems in sagetex. Sometimes

I was getting wrong answers with Sage. It came down to this:

c = randint(14,20)
d = randint(5,10)
$\frac{\sage{c}}{\sage{d}}-\frac{\sage{c-3}}{\sage{d+1}}=$ \\

When I compiled with the commented out line I got the wrong answer, so I commented it out and broke it down into the 3 calculations below it. Output is below: for 20/7 - 17/8, Sage calculates 20/7 as 2 (rounding down) but 17/8 as 17/8 (not rounding down) to get a final answer of 2-17/8=-1/8. Image of output below. Why does it round (down) in one case and not in the others? What is the proper way to get the correct fractional answer?

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