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Defining a morphism from tensor product of algebras to an algebra.

Such a morphism takes advantage of the universality of tensors for multilinear functions.
I'd like to define a morphism that acts on the order 2 term below, for example, by

-e4*p1 # p2*p3*ph1*ph2  |--->  -3*p2*p3*ph1*ph2

I.E. it maps the tensor product of two exterior algebras into an exterior algebra, specified by two mappings f1, f2 on exterior algebra basis products (* is how Sage inputs and prints exterior product, and # is how it prints tensor product):

 map_wanted(f1, f2): (e1*e2*...  # e3*e4*...) |---> f1(e1*e2*...)*f2(e3*e4*...)


 f1: (e4*p1) |---> 3 and f2 is the identity map

Also, to do this, how would I define the f1 and f2? I can specify a table of exterior *s of the finitely many generator elements and the image I want, where I illustrated f1 by one table entry.
Here is a full example of the context:

<class 'sage.algebras.clifford_algebra.ExteriorAlgebra_with_category.element_class'>


(e1, e2, e3, e4, eh1, eh2, eh3, eh4, p1, p2, p3, ph1, ph2, ph3)   

cop = typterm.coproduct()  
copterm = cop.terms()[3]  

<class 'sage.combinat.free_module.CombinatorialFreeModule_Tensor_with_category.element_class'>

 The exterior algebra of rank 14 over Rational Field # The exterior algebra of rank 14 over Rational Field  

 -e4*p1 # p2*p3*ph1*ph2

Here, f1: (e4*p1) |---> 3, and f2 is the identity map so I'd like

 -e4*p1 # p2*p3*ph1*ph2  |--->  -3*p2*p3*ph1*ph2
