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Multiple 3D plots in one panel

Hello, I am new to Sage and trying to learn as quickly as I can (I am a former Maple user). I have been searching the reference docs, google group and the Net to find a way for putting multiple 3D plots in one panel, in a similar way as with graphics_array for 2D plots. Actually, I have not initially seen that graphics_array was only for 2D plots, and spent some time trying to make it work with my plots. When trying this, I was getting "raise TypeError, "every element of array must be a Graphics object" since the elements of my array are of type <class 'sage.plot.plot3d.base.graphics3dgroup'="">. So, may question is the following: is there any trick that would allow me a to build a panel of 3D plots in a similar way as with graphics_array? I would be very grateful if you could give me some hints on this problem.



Multiple 3D plots in one panelpanel -> graphics_array and 3D?

Hello, I am new to Sage and trying to learn as quickly as I can (I am a former Maple user). I have been searching the reference docs, google group and the Net to find a way for putting multiple 3D plots in one panel, in a similar way as with graphics_array for 2D plots. Actually, I have not initially seen that graphics_array was only for 2D plots, and spent some time trying to make it work with my plots. When trying this, I was getting "raise TypeError, "every element of array must be a Graphics object" since the elements of my array are of type <class 'sage.plot.plot3d.base.graphics3dgroup'="">. So, may question is the following: is there any trick that would allow me a to build a panel of 3D plots in a similar way as with graphics_array? I would be very grateful if you could give me some hints on this problem.

