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Solutions to Matrix Equation which are elements of a polynomial ring.

I'm VERY new to SageMath, and I'm having trouble understanding how polynomial rings work in this language... I have the following code:

sage: F = PolynomialRing(GF(3),'x'); x = F.gen()
sage: S = F.quotient(x^2,'a'); a = S.gen()

I'm trying to find solutions to the following matrix equation:

sage: var('d1,d2,d3')
sage: var('r1,r2,r3')
sage: laplacian = matrix([[d1, -1, 0], [-1, d2, -1], [0, -1, d3]])
sage: rstructure = laplacian.solve_right(vector([0,0,0]))

Now here is the caveat: I want the solutions of rstructure to only be elements of the quotient ring I've defined as S. If you've gotten this far, I'll boil down my main questions below:

(1) What are x=F.gen() and a=S.gen() doing?

(2) I want to see all the possible solutions of r_i, d_i that satisfy the matrix equation with the condition that they are elements of S (the quotient ring that I've defined earlier).

(3) If it is not clear, "rstructure" is an element of (F_3[x]/< x^2 >)^3. What I'm particularly interested in are solutions in (F_p[x])^3. Is computing this even possible for a given prime p?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Hope to figure this out soon.

click to hide/show revision 2

Solutions to Matrix Equation which are elements of a polynomial ring.

I'm VERY new to SageMath, and I'm having trouble understanding how polynomial rings work in this language... I have the following code:

sage: F = PolynomialRing(GF(3),'x'); x = F.gen()
sage: S = F.quotient(x^2,'a'); a = S.gen()

I'm trying to find solutions to the following matrix equation:

sage: var('d1,d2,d3')
sage: var('r1,r2,r3')
sage: laplacian = matrix([[d1, -1, 0], [-1, d2, -1], [0, -1, d3]])
sage: rstructure = laplacian.solve_right(vector([0,0,0]))

Now here is the caveat: I want the solutions of rstructure to only be elements of the quotient ring I've defined as S. If you've gotten this far, I'll boil down my main questions below:

(1) What are x=F.gen() and a=S.gen() doing?

(2) I want to see all the possible solutions of r_i, d_i that satisfy the matrix equation with the condition that they are elements of S (the quotient ring that I've defined earlier).

(3) If it is not clear, "rstructure" is an element of (F_3[x]/< x^2 >)^3. What I'm particularly interested in are solutions in (F_p[x])^3. Is computing this even possible for a given prime p?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Hope to figure this out soon.

click to hide/show revision 3

Solutions to Matrix Equation which are elements of a polynomial ring.

I'm VERY new to SageMath, and I'm having trouble understanding how polynomial rings work in this language... I have the following code:

sage: F = PolynomialRing(GF(3),'x'); x = F.gen()
sage: S = F.quotient(x^2,'a'); a = S.gen()

I'm trying to find solutions to the following matrix equation:

sage: var('d1,d2,d3')
sage: var('r1,r2,r3')
sage: laplacian = matrix([[d1, -1, 0], [-1, d2, -1], [0, -1, d3]])
sage: rstructure = laplacian.solve_right(vector([0,0,0]))

Now here is the caveat: I want the solutions of rstructure to only be elements of the quotient ring I've defined as S. If you've gotten this far, I'll boil down my main questions below:

(1) What are x=F.gen() and a=S.gen() doing?

(2) I want to see all the possible solutions of r_i, d_i that satisfy the matrix equation with the condition that they are elements of S (the quotient ring that I've defined earlier).

(3) If it is not clear, "rstructure" is an element of (F_3[x]/< x^2 >)^3. What I'm particularly interested in are solutions in (F_p[x])^3. Is computing this even possible for a given prime p?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Hope to figure this out soon.