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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

No 3d graphics with sage 9.8 using conda-forge

I have a problem with an installation of sage-9.8 using conda-forge on Ubuntu 23.04. Following the installation guide for a complete installation I can run sage successfully. 2d graphics work, the png viewer launches, but trying an example using plot3d, nothing happens---that is sage replies it has lanuched the viewer but neither the web browser nor the jmol applet launches.

(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba activate sage

(sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ sage


│ SageMath version 9.8, Release Date: 2023-02-11 │

│ Using Python 3.10.10. Type "help()" for help. │


sage: 2+3


sage: var('x y') (x, y)

sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1))

Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object

sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1), viewer="jmol")

Launched jmol viewer for Graphics3d Object

sage: plot(x^3*sin(x), (-pi,pi))

Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

sage: exit

(sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba deactivate

(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$

Is there something else to install? If so, what are the requisite commands? BTW, what is the proper way to just copy the contents of the terminal into the question? I've done it line by line, there must be a proper way to use markdown.

No 3d graphics with sage 9.8 using conda-forge

I have a problem with an installation of sage-9.8 using conda-forge on Ubuntu 23.04. Following the installation guide for a complete installation I can run sage successfully. 2d graphics work, the png viewer launches, but trying an example using plot3d, nothing happens---that is sage replies it has lanuched the viewer but neither the web browser nor the jmol applet launches.

(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba activate sage

sage (sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ sage


sage ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ SageMath version 9.8, Release Date: 2023-02-11

│ Using Python 3.10.10. Type "help()" for help.


│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ sage: 2+3


2+3 5 sage: var('x y') y') (x, y)

y) sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1))

(-1,1)) Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object

Object sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1), viewer="jmol")

viewer="jmol") Launched jmol viewer for Graphics3d Object

Object sage: plot(x^3*sin(x), (-pi,pi))

(-pi,pi)) Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

primitive sage: exit

exit (sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba deactivatedeactivate (base) rquint@LunarBox:~$

(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$

Is there something else to install? If so, what are the requisite commands? BTW, what is the proper way (Thanks @slelievre for how to just copy the contents of the terminal into the question? I've done it line by line, there must be a proper way to use markdown.include code blocks.)

No 3d graphics with sage 9.8 using conda-forge

I have a problem with an installation of sage-9.8 using conda-forge on Ubuntu 23.04. Following the installation guide for a complete installation I can run sage successfully. 2d graphics work, the png viewer launches, but trying an example using plot3d, nothing happens---that is sage replies it has lanuched the viewer but neither the web browser nor the jmol applet launches.

(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba activate sage
(sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.8, Release Date: 2023-02-11 │
│ Using Python 3.10.10. Type "help()" for help. │
sage: 2+3
sage: var('x y') y')
(x, y)
sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1))
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object
sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1), viewer="jmol")
Launched jmol viewer for Graphics3d Object
sage: plot(x^3*sin(x), (-pi,pi))
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
sage: exit
(sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba deactivate
(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$

Is there something else to install? If so, what are the requisite commands? (Thanks @slelievre for how to include code blocks.)

click to hide/show revision 4

No 3d graphics with sage 9.8 using conda-forge

I have a problem with an installation of sage-9.8 using conda-forge on Ubuntu 23.04. Following the installation guide for a complete installation I can run sage successfully. 2d graphics work, the png viewer launches, but trying an example using plot3d, nothing happens---that is sage replies it has lanuched the viewer but neither the web browser nor the jmol applet launches.

(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba activate sage
(sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.8, Release Date: 2023-02-11 │
│ Using Python 3.10.10. Type "help()" for help. │
sage: 2+3
sage: var('x y')
(x, y)
sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1))
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object
sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1), viewer="jmol")
Launched jmol viewer for Graphics3d Object
sage: plot(x^3*sin(x), (-pi,pi))
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
sage: exit
(sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba deactivate
(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$

Is there something else to install? If so, what are the requisite commands? (Thanks @slelievre for how to include code blocks.)

click to hide/show revision 5

No 3d graphics with sage 9.8 using conda-forge

I have a problem with an installation of sage-9.8 using conda-forge on Ubuntu 23.04. Following the installation guide for a complete installation I can run sage successfully. 2d graphics work, the png viewer launches, but trying an example using plot3d, nothing happens---that is sage replies it has lanuched the viewer but neither the web browser nor the jmol applet launches.

(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba activate sage
(sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.8, Release Date: 2023-02-11 │
│ Using Python 3.10.10. Type "help()" for help. │
sage: 2+3
sage: var('x y')
(x, y)
sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1))
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object
sage: plot3d(x*y^3, (-1,1), (-1,1), viewer="jmol")
Launched jmol viewer for Graphics3d Object
sage: plot(x^3*sin(x), (-pi,pi))
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
sage: exit
(sage) rquint@LunarBox:~$ mamba deactivate
(base) rquint@LunarBox:~$

Is there something else to install? If so, what are the requisite commands? (Thanks @slelievre for how to include code blocks.)