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conda-forge install SageMath 9.7 fails

I tried to install SageMath 9.7 from conda-forge (my OS is Ubuntu 18.04) following the steps from this page.

I installed with the following command line :

$ mamba create -n sage sage python=3.9

Unfortunately, the Sage installation I got is not functional:

$ sage
│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19                     │
│ Using Python 3.9.13. Type "help()" for help.                       │
┃ Warning: sage.all is not available; this is a limited REPL.        ┃
sage: ZZ
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [1], line 1
----> 1 ZZ

NameError: name 'ZZ' is not defined

Any help wil be appreciated.