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Generating planar graphs

So I was trying to use:

Generating planar graphs

So I was trying to use:

gen = graphs.planar_graphs(4)

lst = list(gen)

Then I get an error that plantri is not available.

I exit the sage, and type in the terminal

sage -i plantri

which gives the following:

make: * No rule to make target 'all-toolchain'. Stop.

How do I install plantri?

Generating planar graphs

So I was trying to use:

gen = graphs.planar_graphs(4)

lst = list(gen)

Then I get an error that plantri is not available.

I exit the sage, and type in the terminal

sage -i plantri

which gives the following:

make: * No rule to make target 'all-toolchain'. Stop.

How do I install plantri?