A partition can be viewed as a list or pretty-printed using ascii art. This works fine for me.
A partition can also be LaTeX-ed:
which typesets fine when inserted into a LaTeX document.
When sagetex uses this, and produce the exakt same LaTex snippet, there are TeX errors (which does not stop the document from being typeset, but which are annoying):
(./part.sagetex.sout ./part.sagetex.sout:9: Illegal parameter number in definition of \r@@sageinline0.
The LaTex form of the partition does not render well with MathJax, so it is not displayed properly in a Jupyter notebook. I belive that the \cline is the culprit.
I hacked the LaTex output and got something which works well with sagetex, but since it uses the external package ytableu.sty, it does not work with MathJax.
if Partitions.options.convention == "English":
Partitions.options(latex=lambda mu: '\\ydiagram{%s}' % ','.join('%s'%m for m in mu._list))
Here is a kludge for skewpartitions:
def LatexSkew(S):
L = S._list[0]._list
M = S._list[1]._list
ut = '\\ydiagram{'
ut += ','.join([str(b) + '+' + str(a-b) for a,b in zip(L,M)] )
if len(L) > len(M):
ut += ',' + ','.join([str(a) for a in L[len(M):]] )
ut += '}'
return ut
if Partitions.options.convention == "English":
So, at long last the question: how do you professionals typeset and display partitions?