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Galois Field tower field representation

I'm trying to create some galois field (GF4, GF16 and GF256) using a tower field representation, as described here:

GF(4) := GF(2)[a] / (a^2 + a+ 1)
GF(16) := GF(4)[b] / (b^2 + b + a)
GF(256) := GF(16)[c] / (c^2 + c + a*b)

I've tried doing that using field extensions, but i've been bumping in errors and dead ends so far. For example, i tried doing something like this:

GF2.<a> = GF(2)
GF4.<b> = GF(4, modulus=a^2+a+1)

But of course i'm getting this error, since the modulus simply evaluates to 1:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-ca2ad50ca645> in <module>
----> 1 GF4 = GF(Integer(2)**Integer(2), modulus=a**Integer(2)+a+Integer(1), names=('b',)); (b,) = GF4._first_ngens(1)

~/sage/sage-9.6/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/structure/factory.pyx in sage.structure.factory.UniqueFactory.__call__ (build/cythonized/sage/structure/factory.c:2264)()
    365             False
    366         """
--> 367         key, kwds = self.create_key_and_extra_args(*args, **kwds)
    368         version = self.get_version(sage_version)
    369         return self.get_object(version, key, kwds)

~/sage/sage-9.6/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/finite_rings/ in create_key_and_extra_args(self, order, name, modulus, names, impl, proof, check_irreducible, prefix, repr, elem_cache, **kwds)
    652                     if != n:
--> 653                         raise ValueError("the degree of the modulus does not equal the degree of the field")
    654                     if check_irreducible and not modulus.is_irreducible():
    655                         raise ValueError("finite field modulus must be irreducible but it is not")

ValueError: the degree of the modulus does not equal the degree of the field

Do you have any idea on how to achieve this?