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How to have open parenthesis in slider?

In interact slider, I can specify max and min. But the max and min are [min,max]. I want to have (min,max] in the interact slider. Is there a separate function to do so?

How to have open parenthesis in slider?

In interact slider, I can specify max and min. But the max and min are [min,max]. I want to have (min,max] [min,max) in the interact slider. Is there a separate function to do so?so? @interact def main(x=slider(0,1,0.0000001,0.5)) plot(tan(x), x, -pi, pi, detect_poles=True)

How to have open parenthesis in slider?

In interact slider, I can specify max and min. But the max and min are [min,max]. I want to have [min,max) in the interact slider. Is there a separate function to do so? so?

@interact def main(x=slider(0,1,0.0000001,0.5)) plot(tan(x), x, -pi, pi, detect_poles=True)

How to have open parenthesis in slider?

In interact slider, I can specify max and min. But the max and min are [min,max]. I want to have [min,max) in the interact slider. Is there a separate function to do so?

@interact @interact

def main(x=slider(0,1,0.0000001,0.5)) plot(tan(x), x, -pi, pi, detect_poles=True)

How to have open parenthesis in slider?

In interact slider, I can specify max and min. But the max and min are [min,max]. I want to have [min,max) in the interact slider. Is there a separate function to do so?


      def main(x=slider(0,1,0.0000001,0.5))
        plot(tan(x), x, -pi, pi, detect_poles=True)


How to have open parenthesis in slider?

In interact slider, I can specify max and min. But the max and min are [min,max]. I want to have [min,max) in the interact slider. Is there a separate function to do so?

     def main(x=slider(0,1,0.0000001,0.5))
          plot(tan(x), x, -pi, pi, detect_poles=True)