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Sage refuses to evaluate summations...

I'm trying to define a function g(x)=sum(frac(jp/q),j,0,x) where p,q are pre-defined constants (say (p,q)=(33,21)). Sage did not give any errors, but when I type g(10), I would get output symbolic expression sum(frac(11/7j), j, 0, 10), which is different from the expected value 31/7.

How do I fix this?

Sage refuses to evaluate summations...

I'm trying to define a function g(x)=sum(frac(jp/q),j,0,x) function

g(x) = sum(frac(j*p/q), j, 0, x)

where p,q p, q are pre-defined constants (say (p,q)=(33,21)). (p, q)=(33, 21)). Sage did not give any errors, but when I type g(10), g(10), I would get output symbolic expression sum(frac(11/7j), sum(frac(11/7*j), j, 0, 10), 10), which is different from the expected value 31/7.31/7.

How do I fix this?