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I want to display the origin on the graph.

var('d n')

d = 2; n = 1;

psi(x) = sqrt(2.0/d)sin(npi*x/d)

graph = plot( (abs(psi(x)))^2 , 0, d, figsize=5, axes_labels=['$x$', '$|\psi_{1}(x)|^2$']) (graph).show()

I'm displaying the graph using the above method, but I can't display the origin.

I want to display the origin on the graph.

var('d n')I'm displaying the graph of a function as follows:

d  = 2; 2
n = 1;

1 psi(x) = sqrt(2.0/d)sin(npi*x/d)

sqrt(2.0/d)*sin(n*pi*x/d) graph = plot( (abs(psi(x)))^2 , plot(abs(psi(x))^2, 0, d, figsize=5, axes_labels=['$x$', '$|\psi_{1}(x)|^2$']) (graph).show()

I'm displaying the graph using the above method, but I can't display the origin.

I want to display the origin on the graph.

I'm displaying the graph of a function as follows:

d = 2
n = 1
psi(x)  = sqrt(2.0/d)*sin(n*pi*x/d)
graph  = plot(abs(psi(x))^2, 0, d, figsize=5, axes_labels=['$x$', '$|\psi_{1}(x)|^2$'])

I want to display "o" at the origin. Is there no choice but I can't to display the in text as shown below?

 text('o', (-1, -1))