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Testing if an object is a mtrix

Somme time ago, to test if A is a Matrix, I just did:

from sage.matrix.matrix import is_Matrix if is_Matrix(A):.....

But this is now depreciated. What should I do in place ? t.d.

Testing if an object is a mtrix

Somme time ago, to test if A is a Matrix, I just did:

from sage.matrix.matrix import is_Matrix if is_Matrix(A):.....

But this is now depreciated. What should I do in place ? t.d.

Testing if an object is a mtrixmatrix

Somme Some time ago, to test if A A is a Matrix, matrix, I just did:used:

from sage.matrix.matrix import is_Matrix
if is_Matrix(A):.....

is_Matrix(A): ...

But this is now depreciated. deprecated. What should I do in place ? t.d.use instead?