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How do I start using SageMath in Spyder?

I installed SageMath 9.1 by downloading and running the OSX .dmg, but how do I actually start using it in my Python IDE (Spyder)? I have Python code that uses SageMath functions, which works in CoCalc, but I can't get it to work in Spyder by simply using import sage or import SageMath.

How do I start using SageMath in Spyder?

I installed SageMath 9.1 by downloading and running the OSX .dmg, but how do I actually start using it in my Python IDE (Spyder)? I have Python code that uses SageMath functions, which works in CoCalc, but I can't get it to work in Spyder by simply using import sage or import SageMath.

How do I start using SageMath in Spyder?

I installed SageMath 9.1 by downloading and running the OSX .dmg, but how do I actually start using it in my Python IDE (Spyder)? I have Python code that uses SageMath functions, which works in CoCalc, but I can't get it to work in Spyder by simply using import sage or import SageMath.

click to hide/show revision 4

How do I start using SageMath in Spyder?

I installed SageMath 9.1 by downloading and running the OSX .dmg, but how do I actually start using it in my Python IDE (Spyder)? I have Python code that uses SageMath functions, which works in CoCalc, but I can't get it to work in Spyder by simply using import sage or import SageMath.