In the following code
var("b, p, w")
b=1 # pouvoir de monopole
p=0.5 # probabilité qu'il ne se produise rien
w0=8 # richesse initiale
x=2 #taille du risqe
T1=text("$Loteries$ $inaccesibles$",(3.5,9.5),color="red", fontsize='small')
T2=text("$W_2$",(-.5,10),color="black", fontsize='small')
T3=text("$W_1$",(10,-.5),color="black", fontsize='small')
T4=text("$Ligne $ de $ $certitude$?",(9,9))
pol=polygon([(0,0), (0,10), (10,10), (0,0)], fill=True, rgbcolor=(0.81,0.81,0.81),ticks=[[], []])
inslin=plot(((b(1-p)-1)/(b(1-p))),(0, 10),color="green",ymin=0,ymax=10)
Lc=line([(0,0), (10,10)], color="black")
L1=line([(8,0), (8,2), (0,2)], linestyle="--")
L2=line([(8,2), (8,8),(0,8)], linestyle="--")
T4=text("$W_0$",(8,-.5),color="black", fontsize='small')
T5=text("$W_0$",(-.5, 8),color="black", fontsize='small')
T6=text("$W_0-x$",(-.75, 2),color="black", fontsize='small')
c=circle((8,2), .075, fill=True, edgecolor='red', facecolor='red')
I wonder
1) whyT4
is not displayed and
2) why inslin
is displayed as a horizontal line.
I wonder also if it is possible to write labels, comments ... directly in LaTeX, and if it is possible to rotate T4 and write it on two lines (I have tried align as in an already asked question but it seems not to work.