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Symbolic Differential Equation Substitution

Hi, I have a symbolic partial differential equation like $\nabla^2 P(t,r,\theta,\phi) = 0$. Now I want to substitute the following anzast $P(t,r,\theta,\phi) = e^{-i\omega t} f(r) Y^{m}_{l}(\theta,\phi)$ where the last terms is spherical bessel function. When I wrote,

%display latex
M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='Lorentzian')
X.<t,r,th,phi> = M.chart(r"t r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta phi:(0,2*pi):\phi ")

g = M.metric()
g[0,0] = 1-2/r
g[1,1] = -1/(1-2/r)
g[2,2] = r^2
g[3,3] = (r*sin(th))^2

w = var('w')
T = e^(-i*w*t)

f = M.scalar_field(function('f')(r), name='f')

l = var('l')
m = var('m')
Y = spherical_harmonic(l,m,th,phi)

P = T*f*Y

eq1 = (dalembertian(P).expr()) == 0

I should get an expression independent of $\theta,\phi$ since angular part of the equation cancel itself because by definition spherical harmonics satisfies it's own differential equation (see Wolfram-Spherical Harmonics for example). Now when I check manually using

Q = (1/(sin(th))*diff(sin(th)*diff(Y,th),th)+1/((sin(th))^2)*diff(diff(Y,phi),phi)+l*(l+1)*Y)


I got FALSE. To force Sage to use this relation, I tried things like,


but they did not work either. The problem roots from the following line,


gives an expression in terms of higher order harmonics and Sage is unable to simplify expressions using recursion relations of the spherical harmonics. I also looked at the following integrals


but again Sage is unable to evaluate the types of integral unless we plug specific $l,m$. My question is there any way to defince spherical harmonics without using built-in spherical_harmonic() function (like power series) so that Sage would be able to simplify "it's differential equation" involving spherical harmonics to automatically zero.

Symbolic Differential Equation Substitution

Hi, I have a symbolic partial differential equation like $\nabla^2 P(t,r,\theta,\phi) = 0$. Now I want to substitute the following anzast $P(t,r,\theta,\phi) = e^{-i\omega t} f(r) Y^{m}_{l}(\theta,\phi)$ where the last terms is spherical bessel function. When I wrote,

%display latex
M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='Lorentzian')
X.<t,r,th,phi> = M.chart(r"t r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta phi:(0,2*pi):\phi ")

g = M.metric()
g[0,0] = 1-2/r
g[1,1] = -1/(1-2/r)
g[2,2] = r^2
g[3,3] = (r*sin(th))^2

w = var('w')
T = e^(-i*w*t)

f = M.scalar_field(function('f')(r), name='f')

l = var('l')
m = var('m')
Y = spherical_harmonic(l,m,th,phi)

P = T*f*Y

eq1 = (dalembertian(P).expr()) == 0

I should get an expression independent of $\theta,\phi$ since the angular part of the equation cancel itself because by definition spherical harmonics satisfies it's own differential equation (see Wolfram-Spherical Harmonics for example). Now when I check manually using

Q = (1/(sin(th))*diff(sin(th)*diff(Y,th),th)+1/((sin(th))^2)*diff(diff(Y,phi),phi)+l*(l+1)*Y)


I got FALSE. To force Sage to use this relation, I tried things like,


but they did not work either. The problem roots from the following line,


gives an expression in terms of higher order higher-order harmonics and Sage is unable to simplify expressions using recursion relations of the spherical harmonics. I also looked at the following integrals


but again Sage is unable to evaluate the types of integral unless we plug specific $l,m$. My question is there any way to defince define spherical harmonics without using a built-in spherical_harmonic() function (like power series) so that Sage would be able to simplify "it's "its differential equation" involving spherical harmonics to automatically zero.