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How to avoid scientific notation of numbers in the Mathematica interface

I use the mathematica interface to compute numerical values of an extended hyper-geometric function MeijerG for real arguments. This function is provided only by Mathematica:

mathematica('MeijerG[{{1, 3/2}, {}}, {{1, 1}, {1/2}}, mx]')

For real arguments x >= 0.00001 I get useful numeric results, e.g.


for x =0.00001. However, for 0< x < 0.00001 this method fails. With a small argument x and

mathematica('MeijerG[{{1, 3/2}, {}}, {{1, 1}, {1/2}}, mx]'),

With this small argument, I obtain:

resp=MeijerG[{{1, 3/2}, {}}, {{1, 1}, {1/2}}, -9. + 1.*e]

Obviously, this behavious is caused by the python interpreter: It converts pure decimal presentation of numbers (see previous example) into their scientific presentation. And, as I have learned from contributions in the Mathematica's stack exchange, Mathematica doesn't accept formatted numbers like ScientficForm, etc, for numerical evaluation of functions. Thus, Mathematica lets requested numeric evaluation undone. I haven't found any hints how to prevent python from expressing the argument in scientific format. Is it possible by any means to circumvent this problem?