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How to compute on cypthon mode with 64-bit integers?

The computation is on SageMath 8.3, on a 64-bit computer.
If the integers are less than $2^{31}$ everything is alright:

sage: %time champions(2**30,2**30+10)
CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 2.15 ms

But if the integers are greater than $2^{31}$, there is a problem OverflowError: value too large to convert to int.

sage: champions(2**31,2**31+10)
OverflowError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-2a762f4cafd8> in <module>()
----> 1 champions(Integer(2)**Integer(31),Integer(2)**Integer(31)+Integer(10))

/home/sage/.sage/temp/LAPTOP-7O5QV19T/9856/spyx/_home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx/_home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx_0.pyx in _home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx_0.champions()
     12         return len(list(factor(n)))
---> 14 cpdef champions(int m1, int m2):
     15         cdef int n,o,s,p,pr
     16         cdef float a,c

OverflowError: value too large to convert to int

Here is the code:

from sage.all import *

cpdef g(float x):
    return x/(exp(float(euler_gamma))*ln(ln(x)))

cpdef omega(int n):
    return len(list(factor(n)))

cpdef champions(int m1, int m2):
    cdef int n,o,s,p,pr
    cdef float a,c
    a=1.7683358; s=2; p=3; pr=6; n=m1
    while n<=m2:
        if mod(n,10**7)==0:
        if n>pr:
            p=next_prime(p); pr*=p; s+=1
        if n<>pr:
            if c>a:

How to compute on cypthon mode with 64-bit integers?

The computation is on SageMath 8.3, on a 64-bit computer.
If the integers are less than $2^{31}$ everything is alright:

sage: %time champions(2**30,2**30+10)
CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 2.15 ms

But if the integers are greater than $2^{31}$, there is a problem OverflowError: value too large to convert to int.

sage: champions(2**31,2**31+10)
OverflowError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-2a762f4cafd8> in <module>()
----> 1 champions(Integer(2)**Integer(31),Integer(2)**Integer(31)+Integer(10))

/home/sage/.sage/temp/LAPTOP-7O5QV19T/9856/spyx/_home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx/_home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx_0.pyx in _home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx_0.champions()
     12         return len(list(factor(n)))
---> 14 cpdef champions(int m1, int m2):
     15         cdef int n,o,s,p,pr
     16         cdef float a,c

OverflowError: value too large to convert to int

Here is the code:

from sage.all import *

cpdef g(float x):
    return x/(exp(float(euler_gamma))*ln(ln(x)))

cpdef omega(int n):
    return len(list(factor(n)))

cpdef champions(int m1, int m2):
    cdef int n,o,s,p,pr
    cdef float a,c
    a=1.7683358; s=2; p=3; pr=6; n=m1
    while n<=m2:
        if mod(n,10**7)==0:
        if n>pr:
            p=next_prime(p); pr*=p; s+=1
        if n<>pr:
            if c>a:

How to compute on cypthon cython mode with 64-bit integers?

The computation is on SageMath 8.3, on a 64-bit computer.
If the integers are less than $2^{31}$ everything is alright:

sage: %time champions(2**30,2**30+10)
CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 2.15 ms

But if the integers are greater than $2^{31}$, there is a problem OverflowError: value too large to convert to int.

sage: champions(2**31,2**31+10)
OverflowError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-2a762f4cafd8> in <module>()
----> 1 champions(Integer(2)**Integer(31),Integer(2)**Integer(31)+Integer(10))

/home/sage/.sage/temp/LAPTOP-7O5QV19T/9856/spyx/_home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx/_home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx_0.pyx in _home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx_0.champions()
     12         return len(list(factor(n)))
---> 14 cpdef champions(int m1, int m2):
     15         cdef int n,o,s,p,pr
     16         cdef float a,c

OverflowError: value too large to convert to int

Here is the code:

from sage.all import *

cpdef g(float x):
    return x/(exp(float(euler_gamma))*ln(ln(x)))

cpdef omega(int n):
    return len(list(factor(n)))

cpdef champions(int m1, int m2):
    cdef int n,o,s,p,pr
    cdef float a,c
    a=1.7683358; s=2; p=3; pr=6; n=m1
    while n<=m2:
        if mod(n,10**7)==0:
        if n>pr:
            p=next_prime(p); pr*=p; s+=1
        if n<>pr:
            if c>a:

How to compute on cython mode with 64-bit integers?int?

The computation is on SageMath 8.3, on a 64-bit computer.
If the integers are less than $2^{31}$ everything is alright:

sage: %time champions(2**30,2**30+10)
CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 2.15 ms

But if the integers are greater than $2^{31}$, there is a problem OverflowError: value too large to convert to int.

sage: champions(2**31,2**31+10)
OverflowError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-2a762f4cafd8> in <module>()
----> 1 champions(Integer(2)**Integer(31),Integer(2)**Integer(31)+Integer(10))

/home/sage/.sage/temp/LAPTOP-7O5QV19T/9856/spyx/_home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx/_home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx_0.pyx in _home_sage_SAGE_EulerRH_spyx_0.champions()
     12         return len(list(factor(n)))
---> 14 cpdef champions(int m1, int m2):
     15         cdef int n,o,s,p,pr
     16         cdef float a,c

OverflowError: value too large to convert to int

Here is the code:

from sage.all import *

cpdef g(float x):
    return x/(exp(float(euler_gamma))*ln(ln(x)))

cpdef omega(int n):
    return len(list(factor(n)))

cpdef champions(int m1, int m2):
    cdef int n,o,s,p,pr
    cdef float a,c
    a=1.7683358; s=2; p=3; pr=6; n=m1
    while n<=m2:
        if mod(n,10**7)==0:
        if n>pr:
            p=next_prime(p); pr*=p; s+=1
        if n<>pr:
            if c>a: