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SageMath 8.0 login problems

I'm using the SageMath 8.0 app on Mac Sierra 10.12.6 (not from the command line!). I am running everything locally. When trying to open a Sage Jupyter notebook after a few weeks (clicking SageMath 8.0), I got a window asking to enter the token or the password. There were some instructions for finding the token and or setting up a password that (although not explicitly stated) seemed to require a command line. Since there seemed no way for me to follow these instructions I just tried to kill whatever was running and start over. Low, I was able to open one notebook (yeah!), but the one for which I originally encountered the problem now opens with the Python kernel.

So my questions:

(1) How do I open Sage Jupyter notebooks after I get that login window described above, when using SageMath 8.0 app? And how can I setup a password to make it more trouble free? (I'm running on my local machine, not cloud.)

(2) Is there a way to salvage the Jupiter notebook that now opens with the Python kernel, instead of Sage?