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solve ode on given interaval


I would like to tell Sage to solve ode on a given interval that I will specify. My final goal is to use this method to solve ode that contains 'piecewise' function like 2*diff(u,x) + u == f(x), where

f = piecewise([((-1,0),0), ((0,1),x), ((1,2),2-x), (RealSet.unbounded_above_closed(2),0)])


solve ode on given interaval


I would like to tell Sage to solve ode on a given interval that I will specify. My final goal is to use this method to solve ode that contains 'piecewise' function like 2*diff(u,x) + u == f(x), where

f = piecewise([((-1,0),0), ((0,1),x), ((1,2),2-x), (RealSet.unbounded_above_closed(2),0)])
