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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Animation doesn't work

I'm using a tutorial and should get an animation from this, but nada. All I get is the title: Animation with 20 frames, and nothing else. Is this correct or did the author miss something? I've waited ten minutes and my computer isn't That slow ;) Midrange Acer with four cores.

f(x) = 5x - x^2/8 + x^3/1200 df(x) = diff(f(x),x) max = 100 p = plot(f(x),x,0,max) lblp = text("$y = " + latex(f(x)) + "$",[40,100],fontsize=14) lbldp = text("$y' = " + latex(df(x)) + "$",[40,80],fontsize=14,rgbcolor='#006000') ga = [] for argx in srange(0,max,5): dp = plot(f(argx) + (df(argx)(x-argx)),x,0,max,color="#006000") xp = point((argx,f(argx)),rgbcolor='#800000')
ga.append(p+lblp+lbldp+dp+xp) animate(ga,ymin=0,ymax=max,axes_labels=['x','y'],fontsize=12,figsize=(4,3)).show(delay=1)

Animation doesn't work

I'm using a tutorial and should get an animation from this, but nada. All I get is the title: Animation with 20 frames, and nothing else. Is this correct or did the author miss something? I've waited ten minutes and my computer isn't That slow ;) Midrange Acer with four cores.

f(x) = 5x 5*x - x^2/8 + x^3/1200
df(x) = diff(f(x),x)
max = 100
p = plot(f(x),x,0,max)
lblp = text("$y = " + latex(f(x)) + "$",[40,100],fontsize=14)
lbldp = text("$y' = " + latex(df(x)) + "$",[40,80],fontsize=14,rgbcolor='#006000')
ga = []
for argx in srange(0,max,5):
    dp = plot(f(argx) + (df(argx)(x-argx)),x,0,max,color="#006000")
    xp = point((argx,f(argx)),rgbcolor='#800000') 
ga.append(p+lblp+lbldp+dp+xp) animate(ga,ymin=0,ymax=max,axes_labels=['x','y'],fontsize=12,figsize=(4,3)).show(delay=1)


Animation doesn't work

I'm using a tutorial and should get an animation from this, but nada. All I get is the title: Animation with 20 frames, and nothing else. Is this correct or did the author miss something? I've waited ten minutes and my computer isn't That slow ;) Midrange Acer with four cores.cores. I also tried it in Firefox as well as Chrome. No change.

f(x) = 5*x - x^2/8 + x^3/1200
df(x) = diff(f(x),x)
max = 100
p = plot(f(x),x,0,max)
lblp = text("$y = " + latex(f(x)) + "$",[40,100],fontsize=14)
lbldp = text("$y' = " + latex(df(x)) + "$",[40,80],fontsize=14,rgbcolor='#006000')
ga = []
for argx in srange(0,max,5):
    dp = plot(f(argx) + (df(argx)*(x-argx)),x,0,max,color="#006000")
    xp = point((argx,f(argx)),rgbcolor='#800000')    

Animation doesn't work

I'm using a tutorial and should get an animation from this, but nada. All I get is the title: Animation with 20 frames, and nothing else. Is this correct or did the author miss something? I've waited ten minutes and my computer isn't That slow ;) Midrange Acer with four cores. Local server in a virtualbox on win 8. I also tried it in Firefox as well as Chrome. No change.

f(x) = 5*x - x^2/8 + x^3/1200
df(x) = diff(f(x),x)
max = 100
p = plot(f(x),x,0,max)
lblp = text("$y = " + latex(f(x)) + "$",[40,100],fontsize=14)
lbldp = text("$y' = " + latex(df(x)) + "$",[40,80],fontsize=14,rgbcolor='#006000')
ga = []
for argx in srange(0,max,5):
    dp = plot(f(argx) + (df(argx)*(x-argx)),x,0,max,color="#006000")
    xp = point((argx,f(argx)),rgbcolor='#800000')    
click to hide/show revision 5

Animation doesn't work

I'm using a tutorial and should get an animation from this, but nada. All I get is the title: Animation with 20 frames, and nothing else. Is this correct or did the author miss something? I've waited ten minutes and my computer isn't That slow ;) Midrange Acer with four cores. Local server in a virtualbox on win 8. I also tried it in Firefox as well as Chrome. No change.

f(x) = 5*x - x^2/8 + x^3/1200
df(x) = diff(f(x),x)
max = 100
p = plot(f(x),x,0,max)
lblp = text("$y = " + latex(f(x)) + "$",[40,100],fontsize=14)
lbldp = text("$y' = " + latex(df(x)) + "$",[40,80],fontsize=14,rgbcolor='#006000')
ga = []
for argx in srange(0,max,5):
    dp = plot(f(argx) + (df(argx)*(x-argx)),x,0,max,color="#006000")
    xp = point((argx,f(argx)),rgbcolor='#800000')    