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points on elliptic curve

I have elliptic curve E : [0,0,0,-3267,45630], point P=[51,-108], Q=[-57,432]. I want to find all (m,n) such that x(mP)=x(nQ). I tried doing it using Pari-gp unfortunately it keeps giving error (I am not sure why). Is there a way I can build this code using Sage.

for(m=1,10,for(n=1,10,XX=ellpow(E,P,m);YY=ellpow(E,Q,n);X=XX[1];Y=YY[1];if(X==Y,print(m "\t" n))))

points on elliptic curve

I have elliptic curve E : [0,0,0,-3267,45630], point P=[51,-108], as well as point Q=[-57,432] on elliptic curve F : [0,27,0,-4077,51705]. I want to find all (m,n) such that x(mP)=x(nQ). I tried doing it using Pari-gp unfortunately it keeps giving error (I am not sure why). Is there a way I can build this code using Sage.

for(m=1,10,for(n=1,10,XX=ellpow(E,P,m);YY=ellpow(E,Q,n);X=XX[1];Y=YY[1];if(X==Y,print(m for(m=1,10,for(n=1,10,XX=ellpow(E,P,m);YY=ellpow(F,Q,n);X=XX[1];Y=YY[1];if(X==Y,print(m "\t" n))))