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making background transparent on implicit_plot3d

Sage seems to ignore the transparent=True option.

thank you for your help.

x,y,z,t = var("x,y,z,t"); 
theGraph= implicit_plot3d(z-sqrt(49-x^2-y^2),[x,-10,10],[y,-10,10],[z,-13,13], plot_points=70, smooth=True, color="red", opacity=.98, axes=True, transparent=True);

(theGraph).save(filename="/Volumes/xyz/Users/xyz/Desktop/xxxyyyzzz.png", axes=True, transparent=True, fontsize="12")

making background transparent on implicit_plot3d

Sage seems to ignore the transparent=True option.

thank you for your help.

x,y,z,t = var("x,y,z,t"); 
theGraph= implicit_plot3d(z-sqrt(49-x^2-y^2),[x,-10,10],[y,-10,10],[z,-13,13], plot_points=70, smooth=True, color="red", opacity=.98, axes=True, transparent=True);

(theGraph).save(filename="/Volumes/xyz/Users/xyz/Desktop/xxxyyyzzz.png", axes=True, transparent=True, fontsize="12")


making background transparent on implicit_plot3d

Sage seems to ignore the transparent=True option.

thank you for your help.

x,y,z,t = var("x,y,z,t"); 
theGraph= implicit_plot3d(z-sqrt(49-x^2-y^2),[x,-10,10],[y,-10,10],[z,-13,13], plot_points=70, smooth=True, color="red", opacity=.98, axes=True, transparent=True);

 (theGraph).save(filename="/Volumes/xyz/Users/xyz/Desktop/xxxyyyzzz.png", axes=True, transparent=True,   fontsize="12")

making background transparent on implicit_plot3d

Sage seems to ignore the transparent=True option.

thank you for your help.

x,y,z,t = var("x,y,z,t"); 
theGraph= implicit_plot3d(z-sqrt(49-x^2-y^2),[x,-10,10],[y,-10,10],[z,-13,13], plot_points=70, smooth=True, color="red", opacity=.98, axes=True, transparent=True);

(theGraph).save(filename="/Volumes/xyz/Users/xyz/Desktop/xxxyyyzzz.png", axes=True, transparent=True,   fontsize="12")

image description

making background transparent on implicit_plot3d

Sage seems to ignore the transparent=True option. Plots produced using implicit_plot3d

have white background. To get transparent background, I tried using transparent=True

thank you for your help. in implicit_plot3d and in save, without success:

x,y,z,t sage: x, y, z, t = var("x,y,z,t"); 
theGraph= implicit_plot3d(z-sqrt(49-x^2-y^2),[x,-10,10],[y,-10,10],[z,-13,13], plot_points=70, smooth=True, color="red", opacity=.98, var('x y z t')
sage: name='/Volumes/abcd/Users/efgh/Desktop/ijkl.png'
sage: myplot = implicit_plot3d(z - sqrt(8 - x^2 - y^2),
....:                          [x, -4, 4], [y, -4, 4], [z, -4, 4],
....:                          color='red', axes=True, transparent=True);

(theGraph).save(filename="/Volumes/xyz/Users/xyz/Desktop/xxxyyyzzz.png", transparent=True)
sage:, axes=True, transparent=True,   fontsize="12")

image descriptionThe image I obtain has white but not transparent background:

image description

I know implicit_plot3d has an opacity option to set the opacity of the plotted surface, but how can I set the transparency of the background?