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PYCURL ERROR 7 trying to install pdflatex


I'm trying to install pdflatex to avoid the errors that I get in the notebook: image description

For this I typed the command 'yum install texlive', but got following error: image description

Any idea in order to install properly pdflatex? thanks.

PYCURL ERROR 7 trying to install pdflatex


I'm trying to install pdflatex to avoid the errors that I get in the notebook: image descriptionnotebook:

For this I typed the command 'yum install texlive', but got following error: image descriptionerror:

Any idea in order to install properly pdflatex? thanks.

PYCURL ERROR 7 trying to install pdflatex


I'm trying to install pdflatex to avoid the errors that I get in the notebook:

Error: PDFLaTeX does not seem to be installed.  Download it from and try again.

For this I typed the command 'yum yum install texlive', texlive', but got following error:

Could not retrieve mirrorlist from 14 PYCURL ERROR 7

But however, the virtual machine is reaching properly the network. Any idea in order to install properly pdflatex? thanks.