graph formatting issue in graphics array
I would like to layout my set of phase plots in an array. However I am having issues with getting font size correct, and axes labels to show up on all the graphs. Also my distance/velocity/acceleration phase plots are showing up as not being an graphic so I am unable to add them to the array.
xy = zip(result[:,0],result[:,2])
uv = zip(result[:,1],result[:,3])
dudv = zip(udott,vdott)
tx = zip(ts,result[:,0])
ty = zip(ts,result[:,2])
tu = zip(ts,result[:,1])
tv = zip(ts,result[:,3])
tudot = zip(ts,udott)
tvdot = zip(ts,vdott)
xu = zip(result[:,0],result[:,1])
yv = zip(result[:,2],result[:,3])
udu = zip(result[:,1],udott)
vdv = zip(result[:,3],vdott)
xdu = zip(result[:,0],udott)
ydv = zip(result[:,2],vdott)
xudu = zip(result[:,0],result[:,1],udott)
yvdv = zip(result[:,2],result[:,3],vdott)
pltx = line(tx, color = 'red', thickness = 0.05)
plty = line(ty, color = 'orange', thickness = 0.05)
pltxy = line(xy, color = 'yellow', thickness = 0.05)
pltu = line(tu, color = 'green', thickness = 0.05)
pltv = line(tv, color = 'blue', thickness = 0.05)
pltuv = line(uv, color = 'indigo', thickness = 0.05)
pltudot = line(tudot, color = 'violet', thickness = 0.05)
pltvdot = line(tvdot, color = 'red', thickness = 0.05)
pltdudv = line(dudv, color = 'orange', thickness = 0.05)
pltxudu = line(xudu, color = 'yellow', thickness = 0.5)
pltyvdv = line(yvdv, color = 'green', thickness = 0.5)
show(graphics_array([pltx,plty,pltxy,pltu,pltv,pltuv,pltudot,pltvdot,pltdudv],3,3), frame = True, axes = False, dpi = 200)