Why simplify doesn't work?
Hi! My problem is that I don't want to use simplify_full(). It messes up the way my formulea look preety bad. Yet I have in them terms of the form:
and these a left untouched by simplify(). Is there any way for sage to recognize, that f=x without simplify_full()?
(Here's what i mean by messed up formula:
f1(x,b1,b2)= e^(-x/b2)/b2 - e^(-x/b1)/b1
f2(x,b1,b2)= x
f1=f1( x=log( (b1/b2)^(b1*b2/(b1-b2)) ) )
f2=f2( x=log( (b1/b2)^(b1*b2/(b1-b2)) ) )
show( f1.simplify_full() + f2.simplify_full()== (f1+f2).simplify_full() )
The lhs looks way better, doesn't it?)
Big thanks in advance for any comments!