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binary linear programming

asked 2012-11-03 12:39:15 +0100

updated 2012-11-03 16:49:14 +0100

benjaminfjones gravatar image

to whom it may concern greeting

I have written a binary linear programing. It seems ok.

But the result is MIPSolverException: 'GLPK : Solution is undefined'

I will appreciate if you can help me and describe the reason

Regards Aissan

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It's usually not possible to debug a program without seeing it. If you can edit your question and add a minimal example the recreates your problem then someone can try to help.

benjaminfjones gravatar imagebenjaminfjones ( 2012-11-03 16:50:36 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2012-11-04 11:51:33 +0100

updated 2012-11-05 11:35:51 +0100

kcrisman gravatar image

this my code, it is too long, so, I hope that you can understand it :

scheduling=MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=false )

from sage.numerical.mip import Sum


f = scheduling.new_variable (dim=4, binary=true)
#f is the source to destination in time t 

l = scheduling.new_variable (dim=4, binary=true)
    #L id 0 if link op not selected for demand k in time t 

A  = scheduling.new_variable(dim=6,binary=true)
    # A is binary s to d in link op in time t for demand k
    #Z is 1 if is link op is on 
y = scheduling.new_variable(dim=1,binary=true)

Num_demand_slice= 1 
    #number of the time slice

power_link_op= matrix ([[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1]]) 
    # power of the link op that is considered as cost 

demand_traffic_kt = matrix ([1]);
    # 0/1 matrix if demand has traffic in t is 1 

rate_k= [2];
    #rate of the trafic of the demand k 

link_capacity_op= matrix ([[0,0,30,30,30],[0,0,30,30,30],[30,30,0,0,0],[30,30,0,0,0],[30,30,0,0,0]])
    # zero if not exist this link in graph, others capacity of that 5 or 6 (not binary matrix)
power_sw_o= [[0,0,2,2,2]]
    #power of the sw o if is zero means that it is server 
B=Num_demand_slice * K

# v is the num of the node
# K is the num of the node 

for o in range (0,V):
    for p in range (0,V):
        if (link_capacity_op[o][p]==0):
            for t in range (0,Num_demand_slice):
                for k in range (0,K):

for t in range (0,Num_demand_slice ):
    for k in range (0,K):
        if demand_traffic_kt[k][t]==0 :
            for s in range (0,V ):
                for d in range (0,V ):

for t in range (0,Num_demand_slice ):
    for k in range (0,K):
        if demand_traffic_kt[k][t]==0 :
            for o in range (0,V ):
                for p in range (0,V ):

for t in range(0,Num_demand_slice):
    for d in range(0,V ):
        for k in range(0,K ):
            for o in range(0,V ):
                for p in range(0,V ):
                    for s in range(0,Num_demand_slice ):
                        scheduling.add_constraint(f[s][d][k][t] + l[o][p][k][t]- 1 <= A[s][d][k][o][p][t])

for t in range(0,Num_demand_slice ):
    for d in range(0,V ):
        for k in range(0,K ):
            for o in range(0,V ):
                for p in range(0,V ):
                    for s in range(1,Num_demand_slice+1 ):
                        scheduling.add_constraint(f[s][d][k][t] + l[o][p][k][t] >= 2* A[s][d][k][o][p][t])

for t in range(0,Num_demand_slice ):
    for k in range(0,K):
        for ...
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Asked: 2012-11-03 12:39:15 +0100

Seen: 744 times

Last updated: Nov 05 '12