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Minimum length of edges in a graph (that is a tree)

asked 12 years ago

stianfauskanger gravatar image

updated 4 years ago

slelievre gravatar image

I'm trying to plot a graph.

The vertices are placed too close to each-other, so that i cant read the edge labels.

Is there a way to specify a minimum edge length?

Here are an example of how the labels are hard to read.

Sage code (also posted at codepad):

msg_list =  [('F6', 'V3'), ('V3', 'F0'), ('F7', 'V4'), ('V4', 'F1'),
('F8', 'V5'), ('V5', 'F2'), ('F9', 'V6'), ('V6', 'F3'), ('F10', 'V7'),
('V7', 'F4'), ('F11', 'V8'), ('V8', 'F5'), ('V0', 'F0'), ('V1', 'F1'),
('V2', 'F2'), ('S9', 'F0'), ('F0', 'S10'), ('S10', 'F1'), ('F1', 'S11'),
('S11', 'F2'), ('F2', 'S12'), ('S12', 'F3'), ('F3', 'S13'), ('S13',
'F4'), ('F4', 'S14'), ('S14', 'F5'), ('F5', 'S15')]

c =  {'#BBBBBB': ['F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'F10', 'F11'], '#8888FF':
['V0', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6', 'V7', 'V8'], '#FF8888':
['S9', 'S10', 'S11', 'S12', 'S13', 'S14', 'S15'], '#88FF88': ['F0',
'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5']}

G_forward = DiGraph([], loops=False, multiedges=False)
msg_nr = 1
for v_from, v_to in msg_list:
    G_forward.add_edge((v_from, v_to), label=str(msg_nr) + "....." + str(msg_nr))
    msg_nr += 1

G_forward.plot(layout="spring", edge_labels=True, vertex_size=500,


Unsatisfactory graph plot: respective sizes mask edges etc.

The result as seen on SageCell

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Sorry that this stayed unanswered for so long!

slelievre gravatar imageslelievre ( 4 years ago )

1 Answer

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answered 4 years ago

slelievre gravatar image

updated 4 years ago

One way is to set the figsize optional parameter in show to a large value such as 20 or more. Indeed, some lengths (such as distances between nodes) scale with the figure size whereas others (such as font size and line thickness) don't.

One can also play with the graph plotting algorithm; in this case, one could use 'tree' or 'planar' in addition to 'spring', and see if they result in better spread out vertices ('tree' is a good choice here).


msg_list =  [
    ('F6', 'V3'), ('V3', 'F0'), ('F7', 'V4'), ('V4', 'F1'),
    ('F8', 'V5'), ('V5', 'F2'), ('F9', 'V6'), ('V6', 'F3'),
    ('F10', 'V7'), ('V7', 'F4'), ('F11', 'V8'), ('V8', 'F5'),
    ('V0', 'F0'), ('V1', 'F1'), ('V2', 'F2'), ('S9', 'F0'),
    ('F0', 'S10'), ('S10', 'F1'), ('F1', 'S11'), ('S11', 'F2'),
    ('F2', 'S12'), ('S12', 'F3'), ('F3', 'S13'), ('S13', 'F4'),
    ('F4', 'S14'), ('S14', 'F5'), ('F5', 'S15')

c =  {
    '#BBBBBB': ['F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'F10', 'F11'],
    '#8888FF': ['V0', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6', 'V7', 'V8'],
    '#FF8888': ['S9', 'S10', 'S11', 'S12', 'S13', 'S14', 'S15'],
    '#88FF88': ['F0', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5']

G = DiGraph([], loops=False, multiedges=False)
msg_nr = 1

for v_from, v_to in msg_list:
    G.add_edge((v_from, v_to), label=f"{msg_nr} ... {msg_nr}")
    msg_nr += 1

opt = {'edge_labels': True, 'vertex_colors': c, 'vertex_size': 500}

p = G.plot(layout='planar', **opt)

s = G.plot(layout='spring', **opt)

t = G.plot(layout='tree', **opt)

Graph with tree layout and large figsize

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Asked: 12 years ago

Seen: 1,392 times

Last updated: Dec 27 '20