How do I install f2py and all of its dependencies on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?

asked 12 years ago

Brenton Horne gravatar image

Basically as per title, I've tried downloading the tarball and going from there but it always fails to register as installed. I have python 2.7 already but installing NumPy and SciPy the manual way so that f2py recognises it has failed me.

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Is this a Sage question? Sage includes f2py, if I recall correctly, though I may not recall correctly.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 12 years ago )

Yes, as kcrisman says. If you have installed Sage, then I think while running it, you can just do `from numpy import f2py`.

John Palmieri gravatar imageJohn Palmieri ( 12 years ago )

I have tried typing, "%fortran" and it failed, what I want is to install f2py in such a way that Sage registers it. It doesn't come with the Sage package.

Brenton Horne gravatar imageBrenton Horne ( 12 years ago )

Ah, then we need a lot more information about your system. Remember, Sage includes everything except a few things. For instance, it won't include fortran itself on a recent Linux, so you could conceivably need that. I think it would be good if you edited your question to include all error messages and exactly what steps you followed; you shouldn't have needed to download Python or NumPy or anything, it's all *already in Sage*.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 12 years ago )

Also, I assume this is totally unrelated to, but putting that here just fyi.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 12 years ago )