How to make a Sage account?
how to make an online free Sage account? I tryed on, but there is not a possibility to make an account, only login is possible.
asked 2012-09-22 07:20:16 +0100
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >750 is welcome to improve it.
how to make an online free Sage account? I tryed on, but there is not a possibility to make an account, only login is possible.
answered 2012-09-22 07:47:30 +0100
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >750 is welcome to improve it.
Use OpenID to login: Click on one of the OpenID provider buttons below the login box where you have an account.
Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account.
Asked: 2012-09-22 07:20:16 +0100
Seen: 369 times
Last updated: Sep 22 '12
I noticed you have an Accounting tag on this question. Just FYI, this is not the Sage accounting software. It is the open-source Sage mathematical software project: