Is anything special required to setup a moinmoin wiki server with sage cells?
I know how to setup a moinmoin wiki server but I am not sure how I go about setting up one that produces page similar to Looking at the raw text hasn't been of much help. Is there a howto somewhere or can anybody give me a few pointers.
For example, this rst snippet becomes a sagecell. What python modules and/or javascript magic are involved? What do I need to reproduce this? {{{#!sagecell @interact def gfan_browse(p1 = input_box('x^3+y^2',type = str, label='polynomial 1: '), p2 = input_box('y^3+z^2',type = str, label='polynomial 2: '), p3 = input_box('z^3+x^2',type = str, label='polynomial 3: ')): R.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(QQ,3) i1 = ideal(R(p1),R(p2),R(p3)) gf1 = i1.groebner_fan() testr = gf1.render() html('Groebner fan of the ideal generated by: ' + str(p1) + ', ' + str(p2) + ', ' + str(p3)) show(testr, axes = False, figsize=[8,8*(3^(.5))/2]) }}}