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Old worksheets, new version

asked 2012-08-10 19:10:26 +0100

peich gravatar image

Hi everyone,

I just did the most stupid thing; I was having problems running sage 5.2 because i was keeping my old .sage directory in my home folder, so I renamed it and let sage create a new one. My problem now is that I can't retrieve my old worksheets (I know, I should have saved them before deleting the old version). I have all the info that was in my old .sage directory, and I've copied all the sage_notebook.sagenb/home/admin contents to the corresponding new directory, but with this I only see the titles of the worksheets on the notebook; when I click on any of them I get a blank page instead of the worksheet... any ideas?

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answered 2012-08-12 00:14:00 +0100

kcrisman gravatar image

Probably it's getting confused. Can you get rid of/move the "new" .sage directory, move the old .sage directory back, and then see if it properly converts the old ones? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, though.

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answered 2012-08-12 16:28:25 +0100

peich gravatar image

I did that when I installed the new version of Sage; it used my old .sage directory, but for some reason the worksheets didn't work, so I let sage create a new one. What I've done is to reconstruct my most important worksheets from the snapshots that sage saves... took me a while, but I have learned a lesson :D


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Asked: 2012-08-10 19:10:26 +0100

Seen: 367 times

Last updated: Aug 12 '12