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How to save Sage worksheets to use on a different computer.

asked 2012-07-03 23:27:28 +0100

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How do I save a sage worksheet either to a flash drive or upload it to in order to open it on a different computer? I understand how to download/upload but cannot figure out where it is downloading to while using Sage in the Virtual Box which I need in order to upload it to

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answered 2012-07-04 09:31:03 +0100

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If you are using the Sage window inside the virtual machine (i.e. the window with "VirtualBox" written on top), then everything that you do is confined within the virtual machine. If you click on save you will save within the virtual machine, too.

You have three options to get files out of the virtual machine:

  • Use the host operating system browser and connect to http://localhost:8000
  • Share a folder on the host with the virtual machine (see the Sage virtual machine wiki)
  • Use a ssh/scp client to connect to localhost port 2222 and copy files in/out of the virtual machine.
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Asked: 2012-07-03 23:27:28 +0100

Seen: 1,880 times

Last updated: Jul 06 '12