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Cannot access notebook Mac OSX Lion

asked 12 years ago

ramanath gravatar image

updated 9 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

I downloaded sage-4.8-OSX-64bit-10.6-x86_64-Darwin-app.p0.dmg to my Mac OSX 10.7.3 (lion). I can start Sage from the terminal and do command line calculations, but when I say notebook() it gives me an error (traceback below). Same thing when I tried with the non-app version. It used to work fine when I was on Snow Leopard!


sage: notebook()
EOFError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/ramanath/.sage/<ipython console> in <module>()

/Applications/sage/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/notebook_object.pyc in __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
    215     """
    216     def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
--> 217         return self.notebook(*args, **kwds)
    219     notebook = run_notebook.notebook_twisted

/Applications/sage/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/run_notebook.pyc in notebook_twisted(self, directory, port, interface, address, port_tries, secure, reset, accounts, require_login, server_pool, ulimit, timeout, open_viewer, sagetex_path, start_path, fork, quiet, subnets)
    200         print '*' * 70
--> 202     nb = notebook.load_notebook(directory)
    204     directory = nb._dir

/Applications/sage/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/notebook.pyc in load_notebook(dir, interface, port, secure)
   1799     dir = make_path_relative(dir)
-> 1800     nb = Notebook(dir)
   1801     nb.interface = interface
   1802     nb.port = port

/Applications/sage/devel/sagenb/sagenb/notebook/notebook.pyc in __init__(self, dir)
     86         # Now set the configuration, loaded from the datastore.
     87         try:
---> 88             self.__conf = S.load_server_conf()
     89         except IOError:
     90             # Worksheet has never been saved before, so the server conf doesn't exist.

/Applications/sage/devel/sagenb/sagenb/storage/filesystem_storage.pyc in load_server_conf(self)
    182     def load_server_conf(self):
--> 183         return self._basic_to_server_conf(self._load('conf.pickle'))
    185     def save_server_conf(self, server_conf):

/Applications/sage/devel/sagenb/sagenb/storage/filesystem_storage.pyc in _load(self, filename)
    132     #########################################################################
    133     def _load(self, filename):
--> 134         return cPickle.load(open(self._abspath(filename)))
    136     def _save(self, obj, filename, ):

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2 Answers

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answered 12 years ago

ramanath gravatar image

It works if I start sage from command line as

./sage -c "notebook(interface='localhost', directory='./sage_notebook.sagenb',port=8000)"

I found the answer in an earlier thread (Jason grout, ctennenh) that I had missed (modulo tweaking it a bit).



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answered 9 years ago

molnar gravatar image

I just had a similar issue, after years of running Sage with no problems (I have 4.6) an error message like the above appeared when I called notebook(). I found this page, and tried Ram's solution, which "worked" in the sense that Sage opened in my browser (after prompting me for a new password). Did I just nuke all my files?


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Asked: 12 years ago

Seen: 1,047 times

Last updated: Jun 27 '15