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Difference between Running and Open but not running

asked 2012-02-24 09:45:54 +0100

G-Sage gravatar image

I often run long calculations. I start them going and close the tab where it's running. If it's going to run for a day, there's no reason to have the clutter of the tab there all day, especially since if I click on it, I might mess up the calculation some how.

When I see the list of my notebooks, I see (running) if it is still actually running AND also if it has finished running and the program is simply open but not doing anything. So, I have to open it every once in a while to see if it's finished. Is there some way to figure out the difference?

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Probably not in the notebook. This is possible for command-line processes. If you are doing a lot of long calculations, that may be a better way to handle it in any case, since you get a lot more flexibility if you are a command-line ninja. Which I am not. Anyway, hopefully some will give answers of some of the mechanisms for doing so.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 2012-02-24 10:45:20 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2012-02-24 13:05:49 +0100

I agree with kcrisman: I wouldn't use the notebook for this. Instead, from the command line, you should use "screen", as in

$ screen sage

Then you do what you want in Sage, and when you want to hide it, you "detach" the screen (I think the default command for that is "ctrl-A d"). Later on, you can reattach the screen using

$ screen -r

from the command line.

For example, when I'm building Sage on some remote machine, I log in, type screen make ptestlong, detach the screen, and then log out. While it's still building, I can reattach the screen to see what's going on (or I can just look at $SAGE_ROOT/spkg/logs). When the build process finishes, the screen goes away automatically. If I were doing some long computation in Sage, I might set it up to write output to some file so that I can just look at the file instead of reattaching the screen.

Alternatively, I could just run screen with no arguments. This starts a new shell in which I could execute commands, like make ptestlong or sage. This screen won't go away until I exit from the shell.

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Asked: 2012-02-24 09:45:54 +0100

Seen: 307 times

Last updated: Feb 24 '12