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Notebook errors when compiling Sage from source

asked 13 years ago

Rubin gravatar image

Hi, everyone. I've been using the Sage binary on Kubuntu 11.10 and decided to try compiling Sage for better R support. It compiled, but the notebook is not working properly -- it gives me no output. I type in commands, click on "evaluate," and nothing happens, regardless of what the command was. No confirmations, no graphs, no error messages, no nothing. The binary works, but not what I compiled from source.

My system is using the 3.0.0-12-generic kernel, and I have all the packages (build-essential, gfortran, M4, bison) mentioned in the installation guide. I made sure to explicitly set the path to gfortran (export SAGE_FORTRAN=/usr/bin/gfortran). I couldn't find, however, so I couldn't set SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB.

Any suggestions? I appreciate the help given on my last question a while back, and am hoping the Sage community can field this one again.

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It sounds like you might want to post a link to the build log. Did the build actually finish? It sounds like you are able to try to launch the notebook - what command are you using for this.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 13 years ago )

Good question. It looks like how I was launching the notebook was causing things to act funny. I had redone my server from scratch and accidentally was using the command from Jason Grout's sage server wiki. But since I never set up those sage user accounts that he did, I didn't need all the server_pool and ulimit options. Removing those and invoking sage with just "sage -c "notebook(interface='localhost', directory='./sage_notebook.sagenb',port=8000, accounts=False, timeout=3600, open_viewer=False)" " is getting my outputs back. Thanks!

Rubin gravatar imageRubin ( 13 years ago )

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answered 13 years ago

kcrisman gravatar image

When it comes to just better R support, you could just follow the directions in Jason Grout's comment at this question. Basically, install a couple other packages and then force rebuild Sage.

Incidentally, we just upgraded R in Sage to 2.14.0.

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Now that I can see my output, I see that the version of R I compiled is not giving the usual "Error in png() : X11 is not available" error when I try to make a graph, which is good. "r.eval('capabilities("png")')" and "r.eval('capabilities("X11")')" both come up true. But I'm not seeing any graphs when I try to use R for plotting -- I get no output or errors. 2D and 3D plots with Sage display properly, though.

Rubin gravatar imageRubin ( 13 years ago )

Looks like when I select Sage as the interpreter in the notebook I get an output, for example "r.plot(r.rnorm(100))" gives me the right graph (along wit the response "null device 1"). But selecting R as the interpreter in the notebook and then evaluating "plot(rnorm(100))" gives no output.

Rubin gravatar imageRubin ( 13 years ago )

That's to be expected; "raw" R requires that you open and close a graphics device to plot, so you would have to do that too. See my comment toward the bottom of

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 13 years ago )

That did the trick! Thank you very much!

Rubin gravatar imageRubin ( 13 years ago )

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Asked: 13 years ago

Seen: 524 times

Last updated: Feb 02 '12