Notebook: Browse by URL?

asked 13 years ago

Mike Witt gravatar image

updated 13 years ago

Is there a reason that I can't "browse" by URL when I'm uploading a notebook? Apparently the upload via URL requires a specific location, whereas the upload by file allows you to browse. Is this because the underlying functionality is not available, or is it just a matter of it being enabled in the notebook interface?

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What do you mean by "browse by URL" ?

benjaminfjones gravatar imagebenjaminfjones ( 13 years ago )

If you're in the notebook interface, and you click on the "Upload" link near the top, then you get an upload worksheet dialogue. The top field allows you to browse for a file on your computer. The next field down allows you to enter a URL. What I would like to do is to be able to enter, say: -- and then go to that directory on Vector and click on the one I want. Since we're in a browser already, I thought the functionality might be available. But maybe it's not so easy. I have no idea. Just asking :-)

Mike Witt gravatar imageMike Witt ( 13 years ago )

Oh, I see. I would imagine someone with javascript skills could whip something up like this. That would be pretty useful for browsing repositories of worksheets on the web.

benjaminfjones gravatar imagebenjaminfjones ( 13 years ago )

I usually just open another tab, since the browser itself is a web browser. From the other tab, I navigate to the .sws, then right-click and choose "copy link", then paste the link into the box.

Jason Grout gravatar imageJason Grout ( 13 years ago )

Well, that's not a bad strategy :-)

Mike Witt gravatar imageMike Witt ( 13 years ago )