Let us see what happens, and which equations can be eliminated with bare hands.
First of all, there are some simple dependencies. I have copy+pasted the variable declaration (and we need only a b c d
and not also the other variables) and the man linear expressions in them, that are finally made equations.
sage: bool(f1 == -2*f2)
So we only keep the simpler f2
and forget about f1
sage: bool(f3 == -2*f4)
So we only keep the simpler f4
and forget about f3
sage: bool(f5 == -2*f6)
So we only keep the simpler f6
and forget about f5
sage: bool(f7 == -2*f8)
So we only keep the simpler f8
and forget about f7
sage: bool(f9 == -2*f10)
So we only keep the simpler f12
and forget about f11
sage: bool(f11 == -2*f12)
So we only keep the simpler f10
and forget about f9
sage: bool(f13 == -2*f14)
So we only keep the simpler f14
and forget about f13
sage: bool(f15 == -2*f16)
So we only keep the simpler f16
and forget about f15
We test that the remained homogeneous system still has only the trivial solution:
equations = [f == 0 for f in [f2, f4, f6, f8, f10, f12, f14, f16]]
solve(equations, [a, b, c, d])
This delivers:
[[a == 0, b == 0, c == 0, d == 0]]
sage: equations
[-7*a + 51*b - 52*c - 12*d == 0,
26*a + 6*b + 71*c + 69*d == 0,
-14*a + 102*b - 104*c - 24*d == 0,
52*a + 12*b + 142*c + 138*d == 0,
-102*a + 146*b + 24*c - 88*d == 0,
-12*a + 44*b - 138*c + 278*d == 0,
-204*a + 292*b + 48*c - 176*d == 0,
-24*a + 88*b - 276*c + 556*d == 0]
So above i printed again the remained equations. We observe that there are further easy dependencies:
sage: bool(2*f2 == f6)
sage: bool(2*f4 == f8)
sage: bool(2*f10 == f14)
sage: bool(2*f12 == f16)
So we keep only the easier equations, and ask again about solutions of the simplified system...
equations = [f == 0 for f in [f2, f4, f10, f12]]
solve(equations, [a, b, c, d])
And indeed:
sage: equations = [f == 0 for f in [f2, f4, f10, f12]]
sage: solve(equations, [a, b, c, d])
[[a == 0, b == 0, c == 0, d == 0]]
So the given system is equivalent to the system of the isolated four equations:
sage: equations
[-7*a + 51*b - 52*c - 12*d == 0,
26*a + 6*b + 71*c + 69*d == 0,
-102*a + 146*b + 24*c - 88*d == 0,
-12*a + 44*b - 138*c + 278*d == 0]
The matrix of the system is:
A = matrix(QQ, 4, 4, [
[-7, 51, -52, -12],
[26, 6, 71, 69],
[-102, 146, 24, -88],
[-12, 44, -138, 278], ])
And we obtain a non-zero determinant:
sage: A.det().factor()
-1 * 2^4 * 3^5 * 7 * 19^3
So the homogeneous system has only the trivial solution.
An other approach would be to isolate the coefficients of the whole system in a matrix, and ask for its range.
B = matrix(QQ, [[f.coefficient(myvar) for myvar in (a, b, c, d)]
for f in [f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15, f16]])
print(f"B has rank {B.rank()}")
This gives:
B has rank 4
Explicitly, the matrix of the system as built above using a double list comprehension is:
sage: B
[ 14 -102 104 24]
[ -7 51 -52 -12]
[ -52 -12 -142 -138]
[ 26 6 71 69]
[ 28 -204 208 48]
[ -14 102 -104 -24]
[ -104 -24 -284 -276]
[ 52 12 142 138]
[ 204 -292 -48 176]
[ -102 146 24 -88]
[ 24 -88 276 -556]
[ -12 44 -138 278]
[ 408 -584 -96 352]
[ -204 292 48 -176]
[ 48 -176 552 -1112]
[ -24 88 -276 556]
Why should there be any solution of the many equations in only four variables, a,b,c,d?
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rouch%C...