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Can you "stop publishing" a previously published worksheet?

asked 13 years ago

jek gravatar image

As a new user, I thought (but am not sure) I saw a page offer to stop publishing a worksheet but now can't find any reference to that in the documentation or elsewhere. This TRAC entry mentions "stop publishing" and is marked as fixed:

Is this possible?

Can you safely just go into the filesystem and remove ...sagenb/home/pub/n ?

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I had a related problem by publishing a worksheet that was accessible by the url 'https://<srv_address>/home/pub/13', then deleting the worksheet and emptying the trash. The worksheet stayed among the published documents, and was "owned" by 'pub'. I had no mean to remove it by the notebook menus or commands. Publishing a worksheet created a new directory named '13' in a directory named 'pub' in the directory structure of the notebook ('/home/sagemath/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/home/__store__/3/3a/3a2/3a21/pub/13' in my installation). Recursively removing '13' from 'pub' succeeded to remove the worksheet from the list of published documents, but only temporarily. The file comes back in the list of 'published worksheet' after a while. Someone knows how to definitely remove it?

Eric Gaul gravatar imageEric Gaul ( 11 years ago )

2 Answers

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answered 13 years ago

kcrisman gravatar image

Quick answer - it should be, but doesn't seem to work quite right.

Probably the answer to your second question is yes, but someone more knowledgeable should confirm this.

A closely related discussion is at this sage-notebook thread.

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answered 13 years ago

jek gravatar image

I found it! The "stop publishing" interface is part of the "publish" action.

It isn't intuitive because the action is overloaded, but if you open a worksheet marked as "published" and then select the button to publish it, one of the choices is to "stop publishing".

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But the problem is that this doesn't necessarily stop publishing it. Try it out and see if the worksheet is still there in the published link on the main notebook page - it probably still is, with a different user associated to it.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 13 years ago )

The one case I checked did get removed. Perhaps you are seeing a copy because someone performed "edit a copy" on the published worksheet and thus got a copy of their own?

jek gravatar imagejek ( 13 years ago )

No, that would no longer be shared. But I'm not complaining if it's working correctly for you. What version of Sage are you using?

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 13 years ago )

The newly released 4.7

jek gravatar imagejek ( 13 years ago )

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Asked: 13 years ago

Seen: 729 times

Last updated: Jun 03 '11