Sage notebook with secure connection
I am using next command line to run sage notebook
gnome-terminal -e "/home/avi9526/Programs/sage-4.6.2-linux-32bit-ubuntu_10.04_lts-i686-Linux-i686-Linux/sage -n port=8000 accounts=1 open_viewer=0 interface='' ulimit='-v 500000'"
but, notebook tell me that I am crazy and someone can get access to my account (really I haven't important data in sage account). If I try to run with secure=True - sage ask me for a domain name, I type it (or just think that it was it) and get no warning about insecure mode, but, also - no access to sage notebook from world or from localhost. I really need to run with secure=True ? If yes - then how to get working web interface ?
Are you just trying to use it on your computer, or from outside?