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Non-linear programming

asked 2011-03-11 10:43:18 +0100

MassimoLauria gravatar image

updated 2011-03-12 08:01:23 +0100

I would like to minimize a non-linear function with Sage.

More precisely I would like to find the numerical minimum of a function $\sum_{i=1}^{n} a_i \log \frac{1}{x_i}$ where the variables $x_i$ are subjected linear constraints, while $a_i$ are known coefficients.

Thus the constraints are essentially similar to the ones of a continuous linear program. And now I would like to set up the objective function and solve.

Since this is not a linear program I wonder how to do it in Sage. Is there a way? I thought that since the function is concave, a routine for convex optimization should work.

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Are you trying to minimize the function numerically or analytically? And what is the the variable with respect to which you wish to minimize? I don't know whether this helps but try looking at the command "minimize_constrained". You can find more about the command on

Shashank gravatar imageShashank ( 2011-03-11 14:38:25 +0100 )edit

I'll try to make the question more clear.

MassimoLauria gravatar imageMassimoLauria ( 2011-03-12 07:53:04 +0100 )edit

for minimizing, you need convexity, not concavity.... Anyhow, writing the function as $-\sum_i a_i\log x_i$ looks more meaningful.

Dima gravatar imageDima ( 2011-04-23 14:42:22 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2011-04-19 15:47:19 +0100

benjaminfjones gravatar image

This question has been sitting here for a while with no answer. I had to do something like this myself recently, so I thought I'd post an answer.

Here is some sample code that you could adapt to your situation. I've used 2 variables for illustration, but most of the code only depends on the value of n set at the top. The code at the bottom displays a 3d plot of your function, the minimum, and a contour line indicating the constraint I choose.

n = 2
x = var(",".join(["x%d" % i for i in range(n)]))
a = [-2, 3] # length n
f = sum([a[i]*log(1/x[i]) for i in range(n)])

# constraints: either test functions (should be positive in region) or intervals
c2 = lambda u: -1*(u[0]+2.0*u[1]-1) # x1 <= (-1/2)*x0 + 1/2
c3 = lambda u: 5.0-u[0] # x0 and x1 less than 5 
c4 = lambda u: 5.0-u[1]
c5 = lambda u: u[0]-0.1 # x0 and x1 bigger than 0.1
c6 = lambda u: u[1]-0.1
# I1 = (0.1, 5)  # uncomment if you just want intervals
# I2 = (0.1, 5)

# initial point
p0 = (0.1,0.1)

# find a minimum and evaluate f there
# p = minimize_constrained(f, [I1, I2], p0) # uncomment if you just want intervals
p = minimize_constrained(f, [c2, c3, c4, c5, c6], p0)
eval_dict = dict([ ("x%d" % i, p[i]) for i in range(n) ])
fmin = f(**eval_dict) # evaluate f at arbitrarily many inputs
print "min occurs at p = ", p, "fmin = ", fmin

# show the minimum and constraints
P = plot3d(f, (x[0], 0.1, 5), (x[1], 0.1,5))
P += point3d((p[0],p[1],fmin), size=20, color='red')
P += parametric_plot3d([lambda s:s, lambda s: -(1/2)*s+1/2, lambda s: f(x0=s, x1=-(1/2)*s+1/2)], (0.1, 0.9),color='red')
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Asked: 2011-03-11 10:43:18 +0100

Seen: 2,116 times

Last updated: Apr 19 '11