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Recovering from Cython upgrade break?

asked 14 years ago

Ethan Van Andel gravatar image

updated 14 years ago

niles gravatar image

I recently tried to update sage from version 4.6 or 4.5.something, I forget which. When sage was rebuilding, however, I encountered the compile failure described here: This looks like an issue that was fixed in the past, what do I need to do to make my stuff work? Note that I have been working on some sage development, and have a git repository in my sage/ folder, but it shouldn't be touching the package that is having difficulties. Thanks for the help, Ethan

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answered 14 years ago

niles gravatar image

I'm afraid I don't have any ideas other than those listed further down on that ticket. If you want to get going again fast, you could just reinstall a fresh version. I've taken this option a couple of times, because it's less of a hassle than figuring out what broke in the upgrade process.

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I almost always reinstall fresh for everything 'cept the most minor changes, despite the increased overhead at the start: it's slow but straightforward. Clean reinstall makes it far likelier that any problems you encounter will be reproducible by someone else, whereas attempts to recover from half-successful upgrades often result in states never before seen anywhere..

DSM gravatar imageDSM ( 14 years ago )

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Asked: 14 years ago

Seen: 485 times

Last updated: Feb 17 '11