Is it possible to run GAP code in Sage?
This might be a very basic question, but I'm struggling to find a solution. I have created a function in GAP, and I want to use it in Sagemath. So my question is: is it possible to run GAP code in Sage? For example:
f = gap('f := function(n) .... my entire code in GAP ... end;')
If it's not possible to run an entire code block, can I at least create a function in Sage that calls GAP functions?
To illustrate a simple scenario: Suppose I define vector spaces V and U in Sage. I want to define a morphism f using the GAP function LeftModuleHomomorphismByImages(V, U, gens, imgs).
rather use libgap
Thanks, FrédéricC! This was very helpful, and my code is running now. One thing I couldn't fix was when we called a GAP function that contains some strings, but I managed to work around it in my code.
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