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Is there an equivalent of NSolve of mathematica?

asked 14 years ago

Shashank gravatar image

updated 10 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

I am trying to solve a system of non-linear system of equations. Is there a equivalent of NSolve or FindRoot of mathematica in sage. I looked up on the net and there is a equivalent command nsolve in sympy. However, for some reason "from sympy import nsolve" gives a error.

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3 Answers

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answered 14 years ago

Felix Lawrence gravatar image

Scipy has quite a collection of numerical solvers in scipy.optimize. Does scipy.optimize.nonlin suit your needs?

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answered 14 years ago

Eviatar Bach gravatar image

Here is the equivalent to FindRoot:

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find_root works only in 1D I was actually trying to minimiize in 5D. I ended up using simplex algorithm from scipy it works pretty well.

Shashank gravatar imageShashank ( 14 years ago )

answered 14 years ago

Shashank gravatar image

I found a way around. I can define f=abs(f1)+abs(f2)+... and minimize f using the simplex algorithm. However, I have not been play with the tolerance and maximum number of iterations in minimize(). Is there is simple way of changing the tolerance for minimize with alogorithm="simplex"?

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Asked: 14 years ago

Seen: 1,402 times

Last updated: Dec 20 '10