List some cosets of infinite finitely presented group

asked 0 years ago

karl111 gravatar image

updated 0 years ago


F.<a,b,c,d,e> = FreeGroup(); 

H = [a^3,

G = F/H

We take the free group on 5 generators and quotient out the braid relations. This yields the braid group on 6 strands. Since we also quotient out a^3, we get that G is a factor group of the braid group on 6 strands.

Geometrically, we are looking at braids up to the t_k move, which untwists k consecutive halftwists. The t_2 move forgets about over and undercrossings and thus B(n) mod t_2 = S(n). In 'Factor groups of the braid group' coxeter studies those groups and proves that the factor group B(n)/a^k is finite iff 1/n + 1/k > 1/2.

In my case this means that B(6)/a^3 = G is infinite.

Is there a way to still get a finite list of representatives of the cosets?

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The Braid Group with 6 strands is:

B.<a,b,c,d,e> = BraidGroup(6)

and in it we have for instance:

sage: a*c == c*a

My generators a,b,c,d,e above are thus not the generators from the posted question. This group B is something quite different. The given group G is a quotient of the Coxeter group ( where the diagram is connecting any two different bullets. (Else we have at least two generators that commute...)

So please make clear what is H, how is G a factor of a braid group B6, which result of Coxeter is involved, so that the relation 16+1312 should ring a bell, and how to get a finite list of representative for which finite group... Describing the mathematical problem can help.

dan_fulea gravatar imagedan_fulea ( 0 years ago )

I've added some context which hopefully makes the question clearer.

karl111 gravatar imagekarl111 ( 0 years ago )