Enumerate isomrphic subgraphs of graph vertex labeled
Enumerate all isomorphic subgraphs of given graph given the subgraph adjacency matrix
Enumerate all isomorphic subgraphs of given graph given the subgraph adjacency matrix
All graphs in Sage support iteration over its major subcomponents, at least vertices and to create a graph from its adjacency matrix
mg= Graph(adj) mg.is_isomorphic(mg) -> True
# graph from adjency matrix
adj= Matrix ([ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ])
mg= Graph(adj)
mg.is_isomorphic(mg) -> True
If are you looking for the isomorphic subgraphs of the one you specify with the adj. graph you can usemg.subgraph_search_iterator().
too see how it might be used here. If you post the source as suggested above we could get a more detailed answer.
Here is a simple example of looking for the simplest graph, with zero vertices:
eg = Graph()
[p for p in mg.subgraph_search_iterator(eg)]
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Asked: 2010-09-15 02:17:45 +0200
Seen: 710 times
Last updated: Jun 03 '11
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Can you post your code (up until the computation you want to perform)?