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How to add edges while keeping the original graph unchanged

asked 2024-03-11 09:44:12 +0100

licheng gravatar image

updated 2024-03-11 09:47:02 +0100

I see that the commands for adding vertices and edges in Sage will alter the original graph. So I write the following code which makes the origin graph unchanged.

def addedge(g, edges_to_add):
    G1 = g.copy() 
    return G1

I need to sequentially add one edge from the complement of the graph to observe their properties, such as Hamiltonicity.

 def addedge(g, edges_to_add):
        G1 = g.copy() 
        return G1
s = 'J~f[MN@PQg?'
G = Graph(s, sparse=True); 
complement_edges = G.complement().edges(labels=False, sort=False)

for edge in complement_edges:
    if not G1.is_hamiltonian():
        print("The modified graph is non-Hamiltonian  with the added edge:", edge)
    #print("The modified graph is Hamiltonian with the added edge:",edge)

I am not sure if this edge addition is highly efficient because, as we discussed in previous issues (see common in the answer )(calculate-the-toughness-of-a-graph, it's best to avoid copy() if it's being repeatedly used.

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1 Answer

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answered 2024-03-11 11:30:46 +0100

rburing gravatar image

updated 2024-03-11 11:33:22 +0100

You could make one mutable copy and modify it in place:

def edges_to_add_to_attain_property(graph, prop):
    G = graph.copy(immutable=False)
    prev_edge = None
    for edge in G.complement().edges(labels=False, sort=False):
        if prev_edge is not None:
        if prop(G):
            yield edge
        prev_edge = edge


sage: G = Graph('J~f[MN@PQg?', sparse=True)
sage: G.graph6_string()
sage: list(edges_to_add_to_attain_property(G, lambda H: not H.is_hamiltonian()))
[(0, 9),
 (0, 10),
 (1, 4),
 (1, 6),
 (2, 5),
 (2, 7),
 (3, 6),
 (3, 7),
 (3, 8),
 (3, 9),
 (4, 7),
 (5, 8),
 (7, 10)]
sage: G.graph6_string() # G is not modified

Note G.complement() internally also makes a copy, but it's probably worth it as the backend (C code) probably calculates the complement efficiently.

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Asked: 2024-03-11 09:44:12 +0100

Seen: 203 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '24